OpenView Performance Agent (OVPA) configuration

Parameters file

Typical ovpa configuration file (/var/opt/perf/parm):

# cat /var/opt/perf/parm | grep -v ^#
log global application process dev=disk,lvm,cpu,filesystem
mainttime = 23:30
threshold cpu = 5.0, disk = 5.0 , memory = 64000 , nonew
id = server1
application = vxfs
file = vxfs*
application = DWH
user = dwhdba
application = SVI
user = svidba,svicsl
application = DWH_MRSDSR
user = mrsdba,dsrdba
application = DWH_BCK
user = bckgdba
application = DWH_EDWH
user = edwhrun
application = Reports
user = d2kdba,ora10g
application = Oracle_dwh
user = oradwh
file = oracledwh,ora_*_dwh,tnslsnr
application = Support
user = ctn_cicc,msantang,moltisan,crisaful,cerami,faro,campione,dacomo
user = msignore,perrin,logiuco,vissio,passalam,ascente
application = Hermes
user = herm*
application = Maestro
file = jobman,*conman,netman
user = maes*
application = Backups
file = bpbkar
application = bdf
file = df,bdf
application = WWW
user = www,dwhadmin
application = Unix_cmd
file = awk,cat,grep,find,sort,more,view,tail,vi,scp,gzip,lsof
file = rm,ps,who,uname
application = Shells
file = sh,csh,ksh,ssh*
application = Perf_monitoring
user = oraagent
file = extract
application = other_user_root
user = root
size global = 80, application = 30.0, process = 210.0,device = 250.0


Stop all with:

ovpa stop
midaemon -T
ttd -k

Check there is nothing remaining:

# ps -ef | grep perf
    root 21062 19049  1 18:06:33 pts/2     0:00 grep perf
    root 14157 14142  0  Feb 24  ?         6:21 /opt/OV/lbin/perf/coda

You should see only coda running unless kill remaing other processes.

Then restart everything with:

# ovpa start


Check all is running fine:

# ps -ef | grep perf
    root 21062 19049  1 18:06:33 pts/2     0:00 grep perf
    root 25038     1  0 16:57:37 ?         3:22 /opt/perf/bin/midaemon
    root 25019     1  0 16:57:37 ?         1:23 /opt/perf/bin/scopeux
    root 25013     1  0 16:57:37 ?         0:00 /opt/perf/bin/ttd
    root 25044     1  0 16:57:37 ?         0:02 /opt/perf/bin/perfalarm
    root 14157 14142  0  Feb 24  ?         6:21 /opt/OV/lbin/perf/coda

Or with:

# ovpa status


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