Integrity VM


For performance reason doing Integrity VM o HPUX 11.23 mist be avoided, because in this OS release the disks that are allocated to the host must be put in a LVM Volume Group (VG) and the Logical Volume (LVOL) that will be created in the VG host will be seen as disk in the VG guest. This is extremely inefficient because doing LVM over LVM. HPUX 11.31 is avoiding this stupid configuration…

You may also seen in the HPUX official configuration that doing Integrity VM for high I/O demanding applications such as databases should be avoided…

Generic Integrity VM commands (host and guests)

Am I on a VM ?:

guest{root}# model
ia64 hp server Integrity Virtual Machine

Which is the host of this guest ?:

guest{root}# /opt/hpvm/bin/hpvminfo -V
hpvminfo: Running inside an HPVM guest.
Configured guest name: guest
Host chassis information
  Host model string               : ia64 hp server BL870c
  Host serial number              : GB8832XYHA
  Host partition ident            : 21c6afed-8123-11dd-a3a0-7ee8631d33dc
  Host machine ident              : 21c6afed-8123-11dd-a3a0-7ee8631d33dc
  Host physical serial number     : GB8832XYHA
  Host physical ident             : 21c6afed-8123-11dd-a3a0-7ee8631d33dc
Host Inet information
  Hostname                        : host.domain
  Number of host IPv6 Addresses   : 0
  Number of host IPv4 Addresses   : 1
    IP Address                    :
Host SCSI information
  Timeout                         : 40000

Integrity VM release:

guest{root}# /opt/hpvm/bin/hpvminfo -v
Version B.04.10.00
hpvminfo: Running inside an HPVM guest.

Information on VMs (from the host obviously):

host{root}# hpvmstatus
[Virtual Machines]
Virtual Machine Name VM #  OS Type State     #VCPUs #Devs #Nets Memory  Runsysid
==================== ===== ======= ========= ====== ===== ===== ======= ========
guest1                   2 HPUX    On (OS)        4     9     1   32 GB        0
guest2                   3 HPUX    On (OS)        1     5     1 2560 MB        0
host{root}# hpvmstatus -P guest
host{root}# hpvmstatus -P guest -d
host{root}# hpvmstatus -P guest -V

Disks configuration (Agile and legacy)

Agile/legacy disks

To display Agile naming convention disks:

guest{root}# ioscan -fNkC disk
Class     I  H/W Path  Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description
disk      5  64000/0xfa00/0x5   esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
disk      6  64000/0xfa00/0x9   esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual LvDisk
disk     18  64000/0xfa00/0xe   esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
disk     19  64000/0xfa00/0xf   esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
disk     20  64000/0xfa00/0x10  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
disk     22  64000/0xfa00/0x11  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
disk     24  64000/0xfa00/0x12  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
disk     26  64000/0xfa00/0x13  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
disk     28  64000/0xfa00/0x14  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk

To display legacy naming convention disks:

guest{root}# ioscan -fnkC disk
Class     I  H/W Path      Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description
disk      4  0/0/0/0.0.0   sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
                          /dev/dsk/c1t0d0     /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2   /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0    /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2
                          /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s1   /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s3   /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s1  /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s3
disk      2  0/0/0/0.1.0   sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual LvDisk
                          /dev/dsk/c1t1d0   /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0
disk     16  0/0/0/0.6.0   sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
                          /dev/dsk/c1t6d0   /dev/rdsk/c1t6d0
disk     17  0/0/0/0.7.0   sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
                          /dev/dsk/c1t7d0   /dev/rdsk/c1t7d0
disk     15  0/0/0/0.8.0   sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
                          /dev/dsk/c1t8d0   /dev/rdsk/c1t8d0
disk     21  0/0/0/0.9.0   sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
                          /dev/dsk/c1t9d0   /dev/rdsk/c1t9d0
disk     23  0/0/0/0.10.0  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
                          /dev/dsk/c1t10d0   /dev/rdsk/c1t10d0
disk     25  0/0/0/0.11.0  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
                          /dev/dsk/c1t11d0   /dev/rdsk/c1t11d0
disk     27  0/0/0/0.12.0  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
                          /dev/dsk/c1t12d0   /dev/rdsk/c1t12d0

This report is for legacy naming model, the second column has nothing to see with the disk number of the Agile naming model (-N option of ioscan).

Or to make the link with what you see in OVPM:

guest{root}# lssf [-c] /dev/disk/disk88
esdisk section 0 at address 64000/0xfa00/0x3f /dev/disk/disk88

Agile/legacy lunpath

host{root}# ioscan -fNkC lunpath | grep disk88
lunpath  42  0/3/0/0/0/0.0x5006048452a76a17.0x42ea000000000000  eslpt   CLAIMED     LUN_PATH     LUN path for disk88
lunpath  46  0/3/0/0/0/1.0x5006048452a76a18.0x4231000000000000  eslpt   CLAIMED     LUN_PATH     LUN path for disk88

Disks mappings

Mapping between legacy and Agile naming model

host{root}# ioscan -m dsf /dev/disk/disk88
Persistent DSF           Legacy DSF(s)
/dev/disk/disk88         /dev/dsk/c7t13d2
host{root}# ioscan -m dsf /dev/dsk/c7t13d2
Persistent DSF           Legacy DSF(s)
/dev/disk/disk88         /dev/dsk/c7t13d2

One legacy disk per DSF disk. Powerpath included in HPUX 11i v3…

Global picture of the system:

guest{root}# ioscan -m dsf
Persistent DSF           Legacy DSF(s)
/dev/rdisk/disk5         /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0
/dev/rdisk/disk5_p1      /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s1
/dev/rdisk/disk5_p2      /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2
/dev/rdisk/disk5_p3      /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s3
/dev/rdisk/disk6         /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0
/dev/rdisk/disk18        /dev/rdsk/c1t8d0
/dev/rdisk/disk19        /dev/rdsk/c1t6d0
/dev/rdisk/disk20        /dev/rdsk/c1t7d0
/dev/rdisk/disk22        /dev/rdsk/c1t9d0
/dev/rdisk/disk24        /dev/rdsk/c1t10d0
/dev/rdisk/disk26        /dev/rdsk/c1t11d0
/dev/rdisk/disk28        /dev/rdsk/c1t12d0

Mapping between Agile/legacy hardware path

host{root}# ioscan -m hwpath -H 64000/0xfa00/0x3f
Lun H/W Path      Lunpath H/W Path                 Legacy H/W Path
                  0/3/0/0/0/0.0x5006048452a76a17.0x42ea000000000000   0/3/0/0/0/
                  0/3/0/0/0/1.0x5006048452a76a18.0x4231000000000000   0/3/0/0/0/
host{root}# ioscan -m hwpath -H 0/3/0/0/0/0.0x5006048452a76a17.0x42ea000000000000
Lun H/W Path      Lunpath H/W Path                 Legacy H/W Path
                  0/3/0/0/0/0.0x5006048452a76a17.0x42ea000000000000   0/3/0/0/0/
host{root}# ioscan -m hwpath -H 0/3/0/0/0/
Lun H/W Path      Lunpath H/W Path                 Legacy H/W Path
                  0/3/0/0/0/0.0x5006048452a76a17.0x42ea000000000000   0/3/0/0/0/

Global picture of the system:

guest{root}# ioscan -m hwpath
Lun H/W Path      Lunpath H/W Path                 Legacy H/W Path
                  0/0/0/0.0x0.0x0                  0/0/0/0.0.0
                  0/0/0/0.0x1.0x0                  0/0/0/0.1.0
                  0/0/0/0.0x8.0x0                  0/0/0/0.8.0
                  0/0/0/0.0x6.0x0                  0/0/0/0.6.0
                  0/0/0/0.0x7.0x0                  0/0/0/0.7.0
                  0/0/0/0.0x9.0x0                  0/0/0/0.9.0
                  0/0/0/0.0xa.0x0                  0/0/0/0.10.0
                  0/0/0/0.0xb.0x0                  0/0/0/0.11.0
                  0/0/0/0.0xc.0x0                  0/0/0/0.12.0
host{root}# ioscan -m lun /dev/rdisk/disk88
Class     I  Lun H/W Path  Driver  S/W State   H/W Type     Health  Description
disk     88  64000/0xfa00/0x3f   esdisk  CLAIMED     DEVICE       online  EMC     SYMMETRIX
                      /dev/disk/disk88   /dev/rdisk/disk88

Mapping between host and VM disks

Display guest disk configration from the host:

host{root}# hpvmstatus -P guest
[Storage Interface Details]
Guest                                 Physical
Device  Adaptor    Bus Dev Ftn Tgt Lun Storage   Device
======= ========== === === === === === ========= =========================
disk    avio_stor    0   0   0   0   0 disk      /dev/rdisk/disk59
disk    avio_stor    0   0   0   1   0 lv        /dev/vg00/rlvswap1r1
disk    avio_stor    0   0   0   6   0 disk      /dev/rdisk/disk70
disk    avio_stor    0   0   0   7   0 disk      /dev/rdisk/disk71
disk    avio_stor    0   0   0   8   0 disk      /dev/rdisk/disk72
disk    avio_stor    0   0   0   9   0 disk      /dev/rdisk/disk73
disk    avio_stor    0   0   0  10   0 disk      /dev/rdisk/disk74
disk    avio_stor    0   0   0  11   0 disk      /dev/rdisk/disk75
disk    avio_stor    0   0   0  12   0 disk      /dev/rdisk/disk76

Display guest disk configuration:

guest{root}# ioscan -m dsf
Persistent DSF           Legacy DSF(s)
/dev/rdisk/disk5         /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0
/dev/rdisk/disk5_p1      /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s1
/dev/rdisk/disk5_p2      /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2
/dev/rdisk/disk5_p3      /dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s3
/dev/rdisk/disk6         /dev/rdsk/c1t1d0
/dev/rdisk/disk18        /dev/rdsk/c1t8d0
/dev/rdisk/disk19        /dev/rdsk/c1t6d0
/dev/rdisk/disk20        /dev/rdsk/c1t7d0
/dev/rdisk/disk22        /dev/rdsk/c1t9d0
/dev/rdisk/disk24        /dev/rdsk/c1t10d0
/dev/rdisk/disk26        /dev/rdsk/c1t11d0
/dev/rdisk/disk28        /dev/rdsk/c1t12d0


guest{root}# ioscan -fNkC disk
Class     I  H/W Path  Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description
disk      5  64000/0xfa00/0x5   esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
disk      6  64000/0xfa00/0x9   esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual LvDisk
disk     18  64000/0xfa00/0xe   esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
disk     19  64000/0xfa00/0xf   esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
disk     20  64000/0xfa00/0x10  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
disk     22  64000/0xfa00/0x11  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
disk     24  64000/0xfa00/0x12  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
disk     26  64000/0xfa00/0x13  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
disk     28  64000/0xfa00/0x14  esdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk

With HPUX 11i v3:

guest{root}# ioscan -m lun /dev/rdisk/disk28
Class     I  Lun H/W Path  Driver  S/W State   H/W Type     Health  Description
disk     28  64000/0xfa00/0x14   esdisk  CLAIMED     DEVICE       online  HP      Virtual Disk
                      /dev/disk/disk28   /dev/rdisk/disk28

And (Decimal) 12 = (Hexadecimal) 0xc

On HPUX 11i v2 (first command also work on HPUX 11i v3):

guest{root}# ioscan -fnke /dev/rdsk/c1t12d0
Class     I  H/W Path      Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description
disk     27  0/0/0/0.<b style="color: red;">12</b>.0  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      Virtual Disk
                          /dev/dsk/c1t12d0   /dev/rdsk/c1t12d0

Or (HPUX 11i v2 only):

# gvsdmgr get_info -D /dev/gvsd0 -q lun=/dev/rdsk/c1t12d0

I/O tuning

New HPUX 11iv3 sar option:

  • -H HBA (Host Bus Adpater) port performance
  • –L report per lunpath performance data
  • –R used with –d to add read vs write breakdown on per LUN reporting
  • -t report tape device performance data


guest{root}# sar -H 2 5
HP-UX guest B.11.31 U ia64    10/23/09
16:57:08     ctlr   util t-put  IO/s   r/s   w/s   read  write avque avwait avserv
                   %age   MB/s   num   num   num   MB/s   MB/s   num   msec   msec
16:57:10    gvsd1     6   0.61     5     1     4   0.57   0.04     1      0     11
16:57:12    gvsd1     0   0.00     2     0     1   0.00   0.00     1      0      0
16:57:16    gvsd1     1   0.05    16     1    16   0.00   0.05     1      0      1
16:57:18    gvsd1     1   0.03    17     1    16   0.00   0.03     1      0      1
Average     gvsd1     2   0.14     8     1     7   0.12   0.02     1      0      2

New HPUX 11iv3 iostat option:

  • -L I/O statistics for each active lunpath


host{root}# iostat
  device    bps    sps   msps
   disk9      0    0.0    1.0
  disk10    201   24.3    1.0
  disk11      0    0.0    1.0
  disk12    116   17.2    1.0
  disk59    155   11.4    1.0
  disk85    231   33.8    1.0
  disk86      5    1.1    1.0
  disk87     73    8.1    1.0
  disk88    755   12.5    1.0
  disk17      0    0.0    1.0
 disk113    351    3.0    1.0
 disk114   1108    2.7    1.0
 disk115    660    2.0    1.0
 disk116    276    3.1    1.0
 disk117    124    9.5    1.0
 disk118   1651   20.5    1.0
 disk119   1190   26.1    1.0

Powerpath is now replaced by the new HPUX 11i v3 I/O stack. Your new favorite tool for configuration will be scsimgr.

From The Next Generation Mass Storage Stack HP-UX 11i v3:

PowerPath does not manage multi-pathing on HP-UX 11i v3. Native multi-pathing is used for EMC devices. For information on migrating from PowerPath to native multi-pathing, see the HP-UX 11i v2 to 11i v3 Mass Storage Stack Update Guide in For More Information.

From HP Integrity Virtual Machines Version 4. 1 Installation, Configuration, and Administration:

The Integrity VM upgrade tool is focused on the devices that are used to back guest virtual devices. Each guest configuration is queried for its virtual backing storage. The guests device list is then compared to knownmultipath solutions,AutoPath, Secure Path, PowerPath PVLinks, or Veritas DMP devices to detect any dependencies.
Because the 11i v3 storage stack supports native multipath access to devices through the agile device names, the common solution for old 11i v2 multipath solutions is to remove them and change the applications to reference the new agile devices.

From HP Integrity Virtual Machines Version 4. 1 Release Notes:

EMC PowerPath could be used with legacy DSFs (whole disk or LUN) or with legacy whole disk DSF in a Volume Group (LVM Logical Volumes).

From HP-UX 11i v3 Native Multi-Pathing for Mass Storage:

Pre-HP-UX 11i v3 multi-pathing add-on products are no longer required.

display information of a disk:

host{root}# scsimgr get_info -D /dev/rdisk/disk88
        STATUS INFORMATION FOR LUN : /dev/rdisk/disk88
Generic Status Information
SCSI services internal state                  = ONLINE
Device type                                   = Direct_Access
EVPD page 0x83 description code               = 1
EVPD page 0x83 description association        = 0
EVPD page 0x83 description type               = 3
World Wide Identifier (WWID)                  = 0x60060480000290102696533033353837
Serial number                                 = &quot;102696&quot;%X000&quot;
Vendor id                                     = &quot;EMC     &quot;
Product id                                    = &quot;SYMMETRIX       &quot;
Product revision                              = &quot;5772&quot;
Other properties                              = &quot;&quot;
SPC protocol revision                         = 4
Open count (includes chr/blk/pass-thru/class) = 6
Raw open count (includes class/pass-thru)     = 3
Pass-thru opens                               = 1
LUN path count                                = 2
Active LUN paths                              = 2
Standby LUN paths                             = 0
Failed LUN paths                              = 0
Maximum I/O size allowed                      = 2097152
Preferred I/O size                            = 2097152
Outstanding I/Os                              = 0
I/O load balance policy                       = round_robin
Path fail threshold time period               = 0
Transient time period                         = 120
Tracing buffer size                           = 1024
LUN Path used when policy is path_lockdown    = NA
LUN access type                               = NA
Asymmetric logical unit access supported      = No
Asymmetric states supported                   = NA
Preferred paths reported by device            = No
Preferred LUN paths                           = 0
Driver esdisk Status Information :
Capacity in number of blocks                      = 141419520
Block size in bytes                               = 512
Number of active IOs                              = 0
Special properties                                =
Maximum number of IO retries                      = 45
IO transfer timeout in secs                       = 30
FORMAT command timeout in secs                    = 86400
START UNIT command timeout in secs                = 60
Timeout in secs before starting failing IO        = 120
IO infinite retries                               = false

Display statistics for on disk:

host{root}# scsimgr get_stat -D /dev/rdisk/disk88

Display all attributes of a disk:

host{root}# scsimgr get_attr -D /dev/rdisk/disk88

Display one attribute of a disk:

host{root}# scsimgr get_attr -D /dev/rdisk/disk88 -a load_bal_policy
        SCSI ATTRIBUTES FOR LUN : /dev/rdisk/disk88
name = load_bal_policy
current = round_robin
default = round_robin
saved =

"round_robin" is the default, "least-command-load" policy using rule "a path with the least number of outstanding I/O requests is selected", could be interesting to measure its benefit.

A VM Host administrator specifies this SCSI MPT adapter using the following:



  • device is one of the following: disk, dvd, tape, changer, or burner.
  • pcibus is an integer from 0-6. The virtual AVIO and MPT adapters are supported only on PCI buses 0-7.
  • pcislot is an integer from 0-7. A PCI function number is not specified. It is implicitly zero because the virtualMPT storage adapter supports only a single channel.
  • scsitgt is an integer from0-14 for virtual SCSI (15 is reserved for the virtual SCSI adapter) and 0–127 for AVIO. All supported storage device types can share the same virtual SCSI MPT or AVIO adapter by specifying the same PCI bus and slot numbers. A virtual SCSI MPT or AVIO adapter can be added only to a virtual machine if it has a device connected to it.

Unlike real parallel SCSI bus, there is no arbitration on virtual SCSI buses. The SCSI target IDs for the virtual devices must be unique.The virtual SCSIMPT adapter takes target ID 15 for itself, leaving 0-14 for SCSI targets. All SCSI targets connected to a VM are single LUN devices. That is, virtual disks and DVDs are emulated as single LUNs and all attached devices are specified by per LUN VM Host systemfiles. The physical LUN number of an attached device has no impact. All virtual and attached SCSI LUN numbers are implicitly zero and therefore not specified. All supported storage device types can share the same virtual SCSI MPT adapter. Up to 15 storage devices can be added to the same SCSIMPT adapter by specifying the same PCI bus and slot numbers.

(From official documentation): You can achieve higher guests performance for HP-UX 11i v3 guests by configuring as many AVIO storage adapters as the number of virtual CPUs in the guest. The pcibus, pcislot, and scistgt portions need to be explicitly specified for each device. For example, a resource statement for a 4–vCPU guest takes the following form:

-a disk:avio_stor:1,0,0:disk:/dev/rdisk/disk1
-a disk:avio_stor:1,1,0:disk:/dev/rdisk/disk2
-a disk:avio_stor:1,2,0:disk:/dev/rdisk/disk3
-a disk:avio_stor:1,4,0:disk:/dev/rdisk/disk4

Existing Fiber Channel (FC) cards onto the host:

host{root}# ioscan -fnkC fc
Class     I  H/W Path     Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description
fc        0  0/3/0/0/0/0  fcd   CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP 4Gb Dual Port PCIe Fibre Channel Mezzanine (FC Port 1)
fc        1  0/3/0/0/0/1  fcd   CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP 4Gb Dual Port PCIe Fibre Channel Mezzanine (FC Port 2)
fc        2  0/4/0/0/0/0  fcd   CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP 4Gb Dual Port PCIe Fibre Channel Mezzanine (FC Port 1)
fc        3  0/4/0/0/0/1  fcd   CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP 4Gb Dual Port PCIe Fibre Channel Mezzanine (FC Port 2)

And their properties:

host{root}# fcdutil /dev/fcd0
                           Vendor ID is = 0x1077
                           Device ID is = 0x2432
            PCI Sub-system Vendor ID is = 0x103C
                   PCI Sub-system ID is = 0x1705
                               PCI Mode = PCI Express x4
                       ISP Code version = 4.4.4
                       ISP Chip version = 2
                               Topology = PTTOPT_FABRIC
                             Link Speed = 4Gb
                     Local N_Port_id is = 0x0dd301
                  Previous N_Port_id is = None
            N_Port Node World Wide Name = 0x5001438002a006d1
            N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x5001438002a006d0
            Switch Port World Wide Name = 0x20d300051e362344
            Switch Node World Wide Name = 0x100000051e362344
              N_Port Symbolic Port Name = host_fcd0
              N_Port Symbolic Node Name = host_HP-UX_B.11.31
                           Driver state = ONLINE
                       Hardware Path is = 0/3/0/0/0/0
                     Maximum Frame Size = 2048
         Driver-Firmware Dump Available = NO
         Driver-Firmware Dump Timestamp = N/A
                         Driver Version = @(#) fcd B.11.31.0903 Dec 14 2008
host{root}# fcmsutil /dev/fcd1
                           Vendor ID is = 0x1077
                           Device ID is = 0x2432
            PCI Sub-system Vendor ID is = 0x103C
                   PCI Sub-system ID is = 0x1705
                               PCI Mode = PCI Express x4
                       ISP Code version = 4.4.4
                       ISP Chip version = 2
                               Topology = PTTOPT_FABRIC
                             Link Speed = 4Gb
                     Local N_Port_id is = 0x0ef002
                  Previous N_Port_id is = None
            N_Port Node World Wide Name = 0x5001438002a006d3
            N_Port Port World Wide Name = 0x5001438002a006d2
            Switch Port World Wide Name = 0x20f000051e36242e
            Switch Node World Wide Name = 0x100000051e36242e
              N_Port Symbolic Port Name = host_fcd1
              N_Port Symbolic Node Name = host_HP-UX_B.11.31
                           Driver state = ONLINE
                       Hardware Path is = 0/3/0/0/0/1
                     Maximum Frame Size = 2048
         Driver-Firmware Dump Available = NO
         Driver-Firmware Dump Timestamp = N/A
                         Driver Version = @(#) fcd B.11.31.0903 Dec 14 2008
host{root}# ioscan -fnkC escsi_ctlr
Class        I  H/W Path  Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description
escsi_ctlr   0  0/2/1/0   sasd   CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP  PCI/PCI-X SAS MPT Adapter
host{root}# ioscan -m dsf /dev/rdisk/disk119
Persistent DSF           Legacy DSF(s)
/dev/rdisk/disk119       /dev/rdsk/c18t10d3
host{root}# ioscan -fnk /dev/rdsk/c18t10d3
Class     I  H/W Path  Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description
disk     39  0/3/0/0/0/  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       EMC     SYMMETRIX
                      /dev/dsk/c18t10d3   /dev/rdsk/c18t10d3

System Management Homepage

You can verify whether the autostart daemon is running with the following command:

host{root}# ps -ef | grep smh
    root  2034     1  0  Nov  3  ?         0:00 /opt/hpsmh/lbin/smhstartd
    root  1963  1939  0 13:33:30 pts/3     0:00 grep smh

If the daemon is not running, you can start it from the HP-UX command line using:

host{root}# /opt/hpsmh/lbin/hpsmh autostart

then use a web browser to navigate to http://host.domain:2301 or https://host.domain:2381.

You can also use the samweb command to automatically start the default browser in the main HP SMH page.

If the autostart daemon is not configured (see the smhstartconfig -a off -b on), use the command /opt/hpsmh/lbin/hpsmh start instead to start the HP-UX Apache-based Web Server on ports 2301 (http) and 2381 (https).


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