Table of contents
Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) collects your server/databases configuration and upload them to Oracle support web site ( Main objective is to load your databases information and ease SR creation process because Oracle is already aware of your installation (this could avoid generating a RDA file). The tool can work in connected (when server has direct access to Internet, through proxy) and disconnected mode (when no Internet connection).
On top of this inventory (you know which option are in use for your databases) and configuration follow up OCM provides additional health information based on Oracle best practices and patch recommendations based on security or bugs.
All those information are graphically displayed in Systems panel of My Oracle Support (MOS) web site.
This document has been written with OCM release with Oracle database Enterprise Edition release on Linux Redhat 5.6 and HPUX Itanium 11.23.
Software download
Latest release of the software can be download fro collector panel of MOS web site:

Then unzip the file in your $ORACLE_HOME directory, it will create $ORACLE_HOME/ccr directory.
Installation in connected mode
[oraboxr3@server1 ccr]$ pwd /ora_boxi/software/ccr [oraboxr3@server1 ccr]$ ./bin/setupCCR -s your_csi your_email@company The ORACLE_HOME does not contain java. The ORACLE_HOME does not contain a valid JDK/JRE. Redefine JAVA_HOME to refer to a JDK/JRE 1.2.2 or greater. |
[oraboxr3@server1 ccr]$ export JAVA_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME/jdk [oraboxr3@server1 ccr]$ ./bin/setupCCR -s your_csi your_email@company Unable to establish connection to Oracle Configuration Manager server. Hostname ( is unknown. Unable to establish a network connection to Oracle. Specify the URL for an Oracle Support Hub in this format: http[s]://<OracleSupportHubHost>:<OracleSupportHubPort> If you do not wish to configure OCM through an Oracle Support Hub, enter NONE Oracle Support Hub URL: NONE Unable to establish a network connection to Oracle. If your systems require a proxy server for outbound Internet connections, enter the proxy server details in this format: [<proxy-user>@]<proxy-host>[:<proxy-port>] If you want to remain uninformed of critical security issues in your configuration, enter NONE Proxy specification: proxy_account@proxy_server:8080 Proxy Password: Proxy information verified, validating specified email value(s). ** Installing base package ** Deploying core - Version ** Registering installation with Oracle Configuration Manager server(s) ** Deploying engines - Version Deploying metricdata - Version Deploying scripts - Version ** Getting package updates from ContentServer ** Deploying rda - Version Deploying rdacelin - Version ** Starting the Oracle Configuration Manager Scheduler ** Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Starting Oracle Configuration Manager... Waiting for status from Oracle Configuration Manager.... Start Date 02-Sep-2011 11:49:50 Last Collection Time - Next Collection Time 03-Sep-2011 11:49:00 Collection Frequency Daily at 11:49 Collection Status scheduled collection running Log Directory /ora_boxi/software/ccr/hosts/server1/log Registered At 02-Sep-2011 11:49:09 Automatic Update On Collector Mode Connected HTTP Proxy proxy_account@proxy_server:8080 Oracle Configuration Manager successfully started. Oracle Configuration Manager has been configured in connected mode. If the target ORACLE_HOME is running a database, please refer to the "Post-installation Database Configuration" section of the OCM Installation and Administration Guide to complete the installation. View configuration data reports and access valuable configuration best practices by going to My Oracle Support. |
If your database is below (or equal) to release you should execute below step, else nothing to do (check existence of ORACLE_OCM account to be sure all is fine):
[oraboxr3@server1 ccr]$ pwd /ora_boxi/software/ccr [oraboxr3@server1 ccr]$ ./admin/scripts/ collectconfig -s boxr3poc Successfully installed collectconfig in the database with SID=boxr3poc. |
To be able to execute OCM executables from anywhere it is better to set:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/bin:$PATH |
Then the two available commands are emCCR and configCCR:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ emCCR Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Please specify a command. Usage: emCCR start| stop| status emCCR set collection_interval="[FREQ=MONTHLY | WEEKLY | DAILY] [; BYMONTHDAY=1 to 31, when FREQ is MONTHLY] [; BYDAY=MON to SUN, when FREQ is WEEKLY] [; BYHOUR=0 to 23] [; BYMINUTE=0 to 59]" DAILY is the default Frequency. emCCR hold | resume emCCR [-annotation="annotation string"] collect | upload | getupdates emCCR [-verbose] [-register] test emCCR register emCCR automatic_update on/off emCCR enable_target | disable_target emCCR enable_diagchecks | disable_diagchecks emCCR upload -diagnostic=SR=Service request number,FILE=Absolute path of diagnostic package [-restart] [-force] emCCR status -diagnostic[=SR=Service request number,FILE=Absolute path of diagnostic package] emCCR clear -diagnostic[=SR=Service request number,FILE=Absolute path of diagnostic package] [-completed] [-force] emCCR update_components [-silent] -staged_dir="Directory containing OCM packages" | -distribution="OCM installation kit path" emCCR help |
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ configCCR -h Usage: /ora_boxi/software/ccr/bin/configCCR [ -s ] [ -d | -C <OracleSupportHubUrl> ] [ -a | -r ] [<csi-number> [<MyOracleSupportId>]] /ora_boxi/software/ccr/bin/configCCR [ -R <response-file> ] /ora_boxi/software/ccr/bin/configCCR -D [ -v ] [ -T <target type> [ -N <target name> [ -P <property name> ]]] where: <csi-number> Oracle Customer Support Identifier (CSI) <MyOracleSupportId> My Oracle Support user name registered for the CSI <response-file> Response file generated by emocmrsp -d Indicates that the installation will be done in the disconnected mode. All other qualifiers and arguments are ignored. -s Indicates acceptance of the license agreement found in -R Configures OCM using a specified response file. -C url for Oracle Support Hub used to connect to Oracle. If NONE is specified, no Oracle Support Hub is to be used to communicate with Oracle -D Configure missing diagcheck properties. -v Used with configuring diagnostic checks (-D qualifier). Verifies target properties are sufficiently configured. -a Configures OCM for the current host or ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME. -r Removes OCM configuration for the current host or ORACLE_CONFIG_HOME. -T Target type for the target property to be configured or verified. This is used strictly with Diagnostic Checks (-D qualifier). -N Target name for the target property to be configured or verified. Target type (-T qualifier) must be specified. This is used strictly with Diagnostic Checks (-D qualifier). -P Name of the target property to be configured or verified. Value for the property will be prompted. Target type (-T) and target name (-N) must be specified. This is used strictly with Diagnostic Checks (-D qualifier). |
For example you may change the daily collection to a weekly one (Monday at 10:00PM) with something like:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ emCCR set collection_interval="FREQ=WEEKLY; BYDAY=MON; BYHOUR=22; BYMINUTE=0" Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Collection interval set successfully. [oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ emCCR status Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Start Date 05-Sep-2011 17:18:04 Last Collection Time 05-Sep-2011 17:28:20 Next Collection Time 05-Sep-2011 22:00:00 Collection Frequency Weekly, on MON at 22:00 Collection Status idle Log Directory /ora_boxi/software/ccr/hosts/server1/log Registered At 05-Sep-2011 17:16:09 Automatic Update On Collector Mode Connected HTTP Proxy proxy_account@proxy_server:8080 |
You can manually collect information (and upload them):
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ emCCR collect Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Collection and upload done. |
You can stop/start OCM:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ emCCR stop Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Oracle Configuration Manager Stopped... [oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ emCCR start Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Starting Oracle Configuration Manager... Waiting for status from Oracle Configuration Manager.... Start Date 05-Sep-2011 16:47:04 Last Collection Time 05-Sep-2011 15:10:31 Next Collection Time 06-Sep-2011 14:44:00 Collection Frequency Daily at 14:44 Collection Status idle Log Directory /ora_boxi/software/ccr/hosts/server1/log Registered At 02-Sep-2011 17:04:38 Automatic Update On Collector Mode Connected HTTP Proxy proxy_account@proxy_server:8080 Oracle Configuration Manager successfully started. |
Check for new release:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ emCCR getupdates Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ No new packages available. |
Check OCM status:
[oraboxr3@server1 ccr]$ emCCR status Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Start Date 06-Sep-2011 12:02:33 Last Collection Time 06-Sep-2011 12:02:33 Next Collection Time 12-Sep-2011 22:00:00 Collection Frequency Weekly, on MON at 22:00 Collection Status idle Log Directory /ora_boxi/software/ccr/hosts/server1/log Registered At 06-Sep-2011 12:00:51 Automatic Update On Collector Mode Connected HTTP Proxy proxy_account@proxy_server:8080 |
Installation in disconnected mode
This mode has poor interest as it simply generate a jar file that you upload in MOS when creating a new Service request (SR).
[oraboxr3@server1 ccr]$ pwd /ora_boxi/software/ccr [oraboxr3@server1 ccr]$ ./bin/setupCCR -s your_csi your_email@company Unable to establish connection to Oracle Configuration Manager server. Hostname ( is unknown. Unable to establish a network connection to Oracle. Specify the URL for an Oracle Support Hub in this format: http[s]://<OracleSupportHubHost>:<OracleSupportHubPort> If you do not wish to configure OCM through an Oracle Support Hub, enter NONE Oracle Support Hub URL: NONE Unable to establish a network connection to Oracle. If your systems require a proxy server for outbound Internet connections, enter the proxy server details in this format: [<proxy-user>@]<proxy-host>[:<proxy-port>] If you want to remain uninformed of critical security issues in your configuration, enter NONE Proxy specification: NONE ** Installing base package ** Deploying core - Version Deploying engines - Version Deploying metricdata - Version Deploying scripts - Version Oracle Configuration Manager has been configured in disconnected mode. If the target ORACLE_HOME is running a database, please refer to the "Post-installation Database Configuration" section of the OCM Installation and Administration Guide to complete the installation. View configuration data reports and access valuable configuration best practices by going to My Oracle Support. |
List of available command is more restrictive:
[oraboxr3@server1 ccr]$ emCCR Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Please specify a command. Usage: emCCR [-annotation="annotation string"] [-jarfile="Jar filespec for disconnected collection jar."] collect emCCR status emCCR enable_target | disable_target emCCR enable_diagchecks | disable_diagchecks emCCR update_components [-silent] -staged_dir="Directory containing OCM packages" | -distribution="OCM installation kit path" emCCR help |
You can collect information and generate a jar file that can be then uploaded when opening a SR:
[oraboxr3@server1 ccr]$ emCCR collect Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Collection done. [oraboxr3@server1 ccr]$ pwd /ora_boxi/software/ccr [oraboxr3@server1 ccr]$ ll hosts/server1/state/upload/*.jar -rw------- 1 oraboxr3 dba 56353 Sep 6 2011 hosts/server1/state/upload/ocmconfig.jar |
You can switch to connected mode using configCCR -s your_csi your_email@company command.
Instead of long sentences I prefer to provide few screen shots that are, I hope, self explaining. Again all is graphical and it’s quite easy to go through all information provided:

Database not in targets list
With release you will, most probably, not see your database instance appearing in My oracle Support (MOS) web site, this can be confirmed with command line using:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ emCCR disable_target Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ No. Category Target Name 0 Host 1 Oracle Home OraDb10g_home1 2 Listener 3 Oracle Configuration Manager Oracle Configuration Manager Press Enter to exit the command. Use Comma to separate multiple target numbers. Enter the number(s) corresponding to the target(s) you wish to disable: |
Or displaying following file:
$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/hosts/YOUR_HOSTNAME/state/review/targetMap.xml |
Where you will not see something like:
<Target name="DBNAME" type="Database Instance"> . . </Target> |
This is a bug that can be solved with:
Then database will appears:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ emCCR disable_target Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ No. Category Target Name 0 Host 1 Database Instance BOXR3POC 2 Oracle Home OraDb10g_home1 3 Listener 4 Oracle Configuration Manager Oracle Configuration Manager Press Enter to exit the command. Use Comma to separate multiple target numbers. Enter the number(s) corresponding to the target(s) you wish to disable: |
Listener with incorrect name
In my initial configuration I had a display issue in target name for my listener:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ emCCR disable_target Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ No. Category Target Name 0 Host 1 Database Instance BOXR3POC 2 Oracle Home OraDb10g_home1 3 Listener ( 4 Oracle Configuration Manager Oracle Configuration Manager Press Enter to exit the command. Use Comma to separate multiple target numbers. Enter the number(s) corresponding to the target(s) you wish to disable: |
Apparently linked to a missing indent in listener.ora file:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ head -10 $TNS_ADMIN/listener.ora ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS_LISTENER_boxr3poc=ON LISTENER_boxr3poc = (DESCRIPTION_LIST = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1525)) ) ) ) |
I tried to modify following files but they are overwritten each time you issue emCCR collect command:
[oraboxr3@server1 review]$ pwd /ora_boxi/software/ccr/hosts/server1/state/review [oraboxr3@server1 review]$ ll targetMap.xml -rw------- 1 oraboxr3 dba 1513 Sep 5 2011 targetMap.xml [oraboxr3@server1 default]$ pwd /ora_boxi/software/ccr/hosts/server1/config/default [oraboxr3@server1 default]$ ll targets.xml -rw------- 1 oraboxr3 dba 1640 Sep 5 2011 targets.xml |
The command which is suppose to modify it (as described in official documentation) is not working:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ configCCR -D -v -T Listener -N "(" Target [Listener, (] does not exist |
I even tried with same example as official documentation, which is also not working:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ configCCR -D -v -T database -N BOXR3POC Target [database, BOXR3POC] does not exist [oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ configCCR -D -v -T oracle_database -N BOXR3POC |
Finally decided to modify listener.ora to have something more Oracle compliant:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ head -10 $TNS_ADMIN/listener.ora ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS_LISTENER_boxr3poc=ON LISTENER_boxr3poc = (DESCRIPTION_LIST = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1525)) ) ) ) |
This solved my issue…
Wrong Oracle Home
I initially loaded Oracle Configuration Manager from a wrong temporary directory and so Oracle Home appearing with my host name was incorrect. Despite deletion and recreation of whole OCM repository Oracle Home associated with my host is still not good. Even tried to re-register components:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ emCCR register Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ REGISTER command completed successfully. |
Bot not working, no solution so far…
The procedure is clearly documented on Oracle Support web site, I would even add a remove of RDA software that is coming with OCM installation.
First deactivate host (all dependent targets will be removed) from MOS web site and then:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ emCCR stop Oracle Configuration Manager - Release: - Production Copyright (c) 2005, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Oracle Configuration Manager Stopped... |
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Sep 5 17:02:00 2011 Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All Rights Reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> @/ora_boxi/software/ccr/admin/scripts/dropocm.sql Dropped previous OCM schema successfully. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> @/ora_boxi/software/ccr/admin/scripts/dropemrep_collect.sql PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Drop of EMREP collection for OCM complete. SQL> Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options |
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ $ORACLE_HOME/ccr/bin/deployPackages -d $ORACLE_HOME/ccr/inventory/core.jar [oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/ccr [oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ crontab -l 0,15,30,45 * * * * /ora_boxi/software/ccr/bin/emCCR -cron -silent start [oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ crontab -r [oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ crontab -l no crontab for oraboxr3 |
Not documented:
[oraboxr3@server1 ~]$ rm -rf $ORACLE_HOME/rda |
- Oracle Configuration Manager Installation and Administration Guide [ID 728989.5]
- Oracle Configuration Manager Release 10.3 FAQ [ID 369111.5]
- My Oracle Support Configuration Manager Presentation [ID 973767.1]
- Master Index for Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) Installation, Setup and Configuration [ID 1304794.1]
- Master Note for Troubleshooting Oracle Configuration Manager Issues [ID 1290804.1]
- Introduction to Systems and Targets FAQ [ID 1225008.1]
- OCM Targets are not Displayed In My Oracle Support’s Dashboard [ID 1086618.1]
- OCM not collecting data for a database instance [ID 944427.1]
- Db Instances Not Appearing After Ocm Successfully Installed [ID 1330008.1]
- Work with Systems and Targets on My Oracle Support FAQ [ID 1267463.1]
- How to deactivate/delete/remove and reactivate a target or a system on My Oracle Support [ID 1175546.1]
- How to Configure the OCM Collector for 11g Databases [ID 1318007.1]
Thakur abhishek says:
Hi jaquier,
When I start collect data .then get data is uploaded but how can I know data is uploaded and however after collection I can’t get .jar file .
Can you help me out.
Thakur Abhishek
Yannick Jaquier says:
Data is uploaded when you start to see something on Oracle support web site. Check your company proxy configuration…
If you get no jar file it means the collection is not working… There should be a log file somewhere where to look at…
NTRaw says:
Thanks Yannick
Sorted, it is file permission issue on chown
Many Thanks
NTRaw says:
Hi Yannick
I uncompressed under $ORACLE_HOME after taking backup of earlier release.
Now I ran “./bin/setupCCR -s -d from $ORACLE_HOME/ccr. The setup runs for few minutes and fails with “Error Encountered in package deployment…”
The log file shows files inflated with location (but not found any inflated files anywhere on the server). At the end of the log with the below error msg
“/tmp/core-11-22-2012_11.12.12.-3341…………/[241]: /bin/chown: Execute permission denied”
Deinstallation faled installation of /apps/PRDC/db/tech_st/11.2.0/ccr/inventory/pending/core.jar
Any idea what I am missing. I also tried the one you suggested above, none worked.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Yannick Jaquier says:
Hi NTRaw,
I have just re-tried it on one of my Itanium boxes and it went well…
Have you checked the file permission on chown executable, what I have:
Have you unzip the software with Oracle software Unix owner ? Don’t you have any issue of directories permission ?
Unless I would try in debug mode, see:
Master Note for Troubleshooting Oracle Configuration Manager Issues [ID 1290804.1]
Thanks, Yannick.
Olof Lager says:
Hi, Thank you for great help.
In the section “Database not in targets list”, witch was my problem.
It might be helpfull to add that you need to grant read,write on dir: ORACLE_OCM_CONFIG_DIR to ORACLE_OCM user.
Best regards
/Olof Lager
Yannick Jaquier says:
Hi Olof,
Thanks for your comment. Did not encounter this issue as directory was most probably already granted to ORACLE_OCM on my test database. So publishing your comment for other readers…
Thanks, Yannick.