HPVM 4.1


Document based on the hand-on presentation at HP Meyrin (Switzerland). In the following finance is the VM (guest), chablis and buzet are the physical nodes (hosts).

With HPVM 4.1 we can now have a maximum of 8 cores per VM.

VM migration prerequisites

With HPUX 11iv3 you are still obliged to keep the same hardware name over the host for the NIC. Means that for the LAN the vswitch names MUST be unique across the physical hosts (vswitch{n}). While it is no more mandatory for the disks that can have different names over the nodes. Means that if we have for first host disk1 to disk3 then on second host we can have disk4 to disk6 because it will scan the UID of the disk to recognize them.

If the vswitch is not up on the target host when doing a VMOTION then it does it but will prompt an error message then LAN is not working (!!!). So be very caution…

HPVM commands

hpvmsg_move -p finance -h chablisogm

chablisogm, ogm = online guest migration. It is a private interconnect between hosts.



  • SMH (System Management Homepage) is a graphical tool to administer the VMs (and many more). Typical URL is http://hostname:2301
  • APA : Advanced Port Aggregation

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