Table of contents
Oracle database resource manager (DBRM) helps you to manage and prioritize available resources of your server (CPU, parallelism, execution time, …). It provides more fine grain tuning that what you can implement at Operating System level (CPU is at Unix account level for example). Working on resources allocation at Oracle level allows you to prioritize resource between two Oracle accounts. In advanced configuration you can even filter by machine or program name and/or switch sessions/users from one group to another.
Database resource manager configuration
Obviously you can use the PL/SQL commands but it is quite complex and the basic graphical administration tool that provides the Java release of Enterprise Manager helps a lot in configuration.
Aim of this configuration example is to switch TEST Oracle account to another group if it comes from a particular machine or using a particular program to connect.
Let first create a Resource Consumer Group called EDAPT_GROUP:

The PL/SQL equivalence would be (!!):
BEGIN dbms_resource_manager.clear_pending_area(); dbms_resource_manager.create_pending_area(); dbms_resource_manager.create_consumer_group(consumer_group => 'EDAPT_GROUP', COMMENT => 'To flavor connection coming from a particular machine or program'); dbms_resource_manager.submit_pending_area(); dbms_resource_manager_privs.grant_switch_consumer_group('TEST', 'EDAPT_GROUP', FALSE); END; |
This group will not be the default group of TEST account, we have just provided it the capability to switch into it (by default all accounts are in DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP group).
This can be verified with:
Then let’s create a Resource Consumer Plan called EDAPT_PLAN:

There is a bug and before creating the plan you need to go in “Group Switching” panel and fill the “switch to group” column with same group name even if the criteria will never be verified (default value should be NULL).
I do not copy/paste the PL/SQL equivalence as damn too complex…
In this situation first CPU level is 100% allocated to SYS_GROUP (SYS, SYSTEM and all DBA accounts), the second level of CPU is equally shared between DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP (all accounts) and EDAPT_GROUP (no pre-configured accounts but we have the capability to switch some sessions inside), then third CPU level is all for OTHER_GROUPS (should not be used but is a mandatory configuration i.e. “consumer group for users not included in any group in the active top-plan”).
Database resource manager testing
Initiate a connect with TEST account and sqlplus.exe tool (the text release of SQL*Plus accessible with a command prompt):
SELECT sid, serial#, machine, terminal, program, module, resource_consumer_group FROM v$session s WHERE username='TEST'; SID SERIAL# MACHINE TERMINAL PROGRAM MODULE RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- 127 60160 GVADT30511 sqlplus.exe SQL*Plus DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP |
As expected the account is in DEFAULT_CONSUMER_GROUP group.
Now let’s create a mapping on the client program with (all the *_submit_area procedure are mandatory):
BEGIN dbms_resource_manager.clear_pending_area(); dbms_resource_manager.create_pending_area(); dbms_resource_manager.set_consumer_group_mapping(dbms_resource_manager.client_program,'sqlplus.exe','EDAPT_GROUP'); dbms_resource_manager.submit_pending_area(); END; / PL/SQL PROCEDURE successfully completed. SQL> SELECT * FROM dba_rsrc_group_mappings; ATTRIBUTE VALUE CONSUMER_GROUP STATUS ------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ORACLE_USER SYS SYS_GROUP ORACLE_USER SYSTEM SYS_GROUP ORACLE_USER YJAQUIER SYS_GROUP CLIENT_PROGRAM SQLPLUS.EXE EDAPT_GROUP 4 ROWS selected. |
Let’s initiate a new connection with the same tool:
SELECT sid, serial#, machine, terminal, program, module, resource_consumer_group FROM v$session s WHERE username='TEST'; SID SERIAL# MACHINE TERMINAL PROGRAM MODULE RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- 127 60162 GVADT30511 sqlplus.exe SQL*Plus EDAPT_GROUP |
As expected session moved automatically to EDAPT_GROUP group.
To delete the switching issue:
BEGIN dbms_resource_manager.clear_pending_area(); dbms_resource_manager.create_pending_area(); dbms_resource_manager.set_consumer_group_mapping(dbms_resource_manager.client_program,'sqlplus.exe',NULL); dbms_resource_manager.submit_pending_area(); END; / |
Configuration would be the same for client machine (to switch connection coming from GVADT30511, my desktop):
BEGIN dbms_resource_manager.clear_pending_area(); dbms_resource_manager.create_pending_area(); dbms_resource_manager.set_consumer_group_mapping(dbms_resource_manager.client_machine,'GVADT30511','EDAPT_GROUP'); dbms_resource_manager.submit_pending_area(); END; / |
Many tools like sqlplus.exe, sqlplusw.exe do not set the MACHINE column in V$SESSION table, making impossible the switch on the machine name. To test it it must be handle in your tool, like in SQL*Developer. With those tool when doing below SQL you get nothing:
SQL> SELECT SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'HOST') AS USERENV FROM dual; USERENV -------------------------------------------------- |
SELECT sid, serial#, machine, terminal, program, module, resource_consumer_group FROM v$session s WHERE username='TEST'; SID SERIAL# MACHINE TERMINAL PROGRAM MODULE RESOURCE_CONSUMER_GROUP ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------- -------------------------------- 159 5739 GVADT30511 unknown SQL Developer SQL Developer EDAPT_GROUP |
You can also manually switch a session using:
BEGIN dbms_resource_manager.clear_pending_area(); dbms_resource_manager.create_pending_area(); dbms_resource_manager.switch_consumer_group_for_sess(140,768,'EDAPT_GROUP'); dbms_resource_manager.submit_pending_area(); END; / |
140 and 768 above are respectively SID and SERIAL# of the session taken from V$SESSION table.
- Troubleshooting Guide: Oracle Resource Manager [ID 975455.1]
- Creating Resource Plan Fails with ORA-29355 Using Script Generated By OEM [ID 311164.1]
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