Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) architecture with Oracle – part 1


Our DataWareHouse databases running on HPUX Itanium boxes have historically always suffer from ORA-04031: unable to allocate string bytes of shared memory (“string”,”string”,”string”,”string”) error message. This despite more than 10GB allocated to SGA with Automatic Shared Memory Management (ASMM). Those databases are running, in fact, on Itanium nPar servers. We have also noticed that even if SHMMAX is greater than physical memory the SGA allocated is split in multiple parts.

The Oracle release used is Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production with very few one off patches, so the base is more or less common to all. Oracle support replied the issue is shared pool memory fragmentation. To try to correct it we have tried to pin big objects in memory using DBMS_SHARED_POOL.KEEP function with a pretty good result (one of these database is not suffering anymore).

Then one of my teammate observed how server is behaving from CPU/memory perspective. But first a bit of hardware information:

server1{root}# /usr/contrib/bin/machinfo
CPU info:
   Number of CPUs = 10
   Clock speed = 1598 MHz
   Bus speed   = 533 MT/s
   CPUID registers
      vendor information =       "GenuineIntel"
      processor serial number =  0x0000000000000000
      processor version info =   0x0000000020010104
         architecture revision:       0
         processor family:           32   Intel(R) Itanium 2 9100 series
         processor model:             1   Intel(R) Itanium 2 9100 series
         processor revision:          1   Stepping A1
         largest CPUID reg:           4
      processor capabilities =   0x0000000000000005
                      implements long branch:  1
        implements 16-byte atomic operations:  1
   Bus features
      implemented =  0xbdf0000020000000
      selected    =  0x0020000000000000
         Exclusive Bus Cache Line Replacement Enabled
Cache info (per core):
   L1 Instruction: size =   16 KB, associativity = 4
   L1 Data:        size =   16 KB, associativity = 4
   L2 Instruction: size = 1024 KB, associativity = 8
   L2 Data:        size =  256 KB, associativity = 8
   L3 Unified:     size = 9216 KB, associativity = 9
Memory = 32073 MB (31.321289 GB)
Firmware info:
   Firmware revision = 9.048
   FP SWA driver revision: 1.18
   IPMI is supported on this system.
   BMC version: 4.01
Platform info:
   model string =          "ia64 hp server rx8640"
   machine id number =     735d99ba-b89c-11dd-8dc7-7bbf11c4d9ad
   machine serial number = DEH4842HBW
OS info:
   sysname  = HP-UX
   nodename = server1
   release  = B.11.23
   version  = U (unlimited-user license)
   machine  = ia64
   idnumber = 1935514042
   vmunix _release_version:
@(#) $Revision: vmunix:    B11.23_LR FLAVOR=perf Fri Aug 29 22:35:38 PDT 2003 $

Server does not really have 10 CPUs but “only” 4, which can be easily seen using top command and 32GB of memory.

What he saw, one morning, is quite strange:

System: server1                                        Thu Aug  2 15:02:01 2012
Load averages: 3.54, 2.49, 1.83
406 processes: 344 sleeping, 62 running
Cpu states:
 0   12.84  83.4%   0.0%  16.6%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
 7    0.52  14.3%   0.0%  10.5%  75.2%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
 8    0.34  15.0%   0.0%   8.9%  76.1%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
 9    0.45  14.0%   0.0%  13.4%  72.5%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
---   ----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
avg   3.54  31.7%   0.0%  12.3%  56.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%

Memory: 12343944K (10027052K) real, 16128612K (13147636K) virtual, 13925216K free  Page# 1/10

 9   ?  1158 oracle   154 20 10768M  7320K sleep    0:21  5.71  5.70 oracledb1
 0   ?  2247 oracle   209 20 10767M  7404K run      0:27  4.89  4.88 ora_p039_db1
 0   ?  2243 oracle   209 20 10767M  7404K run      0:23  4.86  4.85 ora_p037_db1
 0   ?  2235 oracle   210 20 10767M  7404K run      0:27  4.82  4.81 ora_p033_db1
 0   ?  2233 oracle   209 20 10767M  7404K run      0:19  4.81  4.80 ora_p032_db1
 0   ?  2237 oracle   210 20 10767M  7404K run      0:21  4.76  4.75 ora_p034_db1
 0   ?  2245 oracle   209 20 10767M  7404K run      0:18  4.74  4.73 ora_p038_db1
 0   ?  2241 oracle   209 20 10767M  7404K run      0:25  4.60  4.59 ora_p036_db1
 0   ?  2239 oracle   209 20 10767M  7404K run      0:29  4.58  4.57 ora_p035_db1
 0   ? 18651 oracle   154 20 10774M 13756K sleep  144:07  4.25  4.25 ora_p000_db1
 0   ? 18659 oracle   154 20 10774M 13756K sleep  152:52  4.06  4.05 ora_p004_db1
 0   ?  4680 oracle   154 20 10769M  9452K sleep    0:02  4.18  4.02 ora_p040_db1
 9   ? 26979 jboss    152 20  1408M   339M run    947:40  3.86  3.85 java
 0   ?  4683 oracle   154 20 10769M  9452K sleep    0:02  3.71  3.55 ora_p041_db1
 0   ?  4687 oracle   154 20 10769M  9452K sleep    0:02  3.62  3.47 ora_p043_db1
 0   ?  4691 oracle   154 20 10927M   154M sleep    0:02  3.48  3.34 ora_p045_db1
 0   ? 18655 oracle   154 20 10774M 13692K sleep  180:55  3.32  3.31 ora_p002_db1
 0   ?  4693 oracle   154 20 10911M   142M sleep    0:02  3.35  3.21 ora_p046_db1
 0   ?  4685 oracle   154 20 10769M  9452K sleep    0:02  3.28  3.14 ora_p042_db1
 0   ?  4689 oracle   154 20 10911M   138M sleep    0:02  3.23  3.10 ora_p044_db1
 0   ?  4695 oracle   154 20 10911M   138M sleep    0:02  3.17  3.04 ora_p047_db1
 7   ? 26372 cimsrvr  152 20 69572K 16312K run    798:27  2.90  2.90 cimservermain
 0   ? 18665 oracle   154 20 10776M 15612K sleep  156:17  2.85  2.84 ora_p007_db1
 0   ? 18663 oracle   154 20 10776M 15676K sleep  167:17  2.82  2.81 ora_p006_db1
 0   ? 18661 oracle   148 20 10776M 15504K sleep  160:01  2.73  2.73 ora_p005_db1
 0   ? 18657 oracle   154 20 10775M 13756K sleep  168:40  2.72  2.71 ora_p003_db1
 0   ? 18653 oracle   154 20 10774M 13820K sleep  142:55  2.69  2.69 ora_p001_db1

First processor is completely overloaded while other are not doing anything. I have confirmed this using HP OpenView Performance Manager (OVPM). First graph is individual CPU usage:


Second graph is global run queue:


We have set SGA_MAX_SIZE parameter to 10GB, and shmmax kernel parameter is high:

server1{root}# kctune shmmax
Tunable        Value  Expression   Changes
shmmax   33631510528  0X7D4982000  Immed

But shared memory segment are split in multiple parts which is supposed to be inefficient:

server1{root}# ipcs -ma
IPC status from /dev/kmem as of Fri Aug  3 10:46:42 2012
Shared Memory:
m     688151 0x00000000 --rw-r-----    oracle       dba    oracle       dba     89 2745335808 18540  1904 10:46:28 10:46:29 17:29:40
m      65560 0x00000000 --rw-r-----    oracle       dba    oracle       dba     89 2734686208 18540  1904 10:46:28 10:46:29 17:29:40
m      65561 0x00000000 --rw-r-----    oracle       dba    oracle       dba     89 5303775232 18540  1904 10:46:28 10:46:29 17:29:40
m      65562 0x7a149f40 --rw-r-----    oracle       dba    oracle       dba     89      24576 18540  1904 10:46:28 10:46:29 17:29:40

In top command, first column is CPUID and gives on which processor process is running. We notice that all parallel slave processes are running on CPU 0 so the issue. Then he went a bit further and found many interesting references about Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) Architecture, see references section.

If your process is lost in multiple process list pages it could be difficult to get its CPUID. I have tried with ps command to get CPU id information but, unless I’m wrong, it is simply not possible as the output is not available, I tried pset but is is more related to PRM:

server1{root}# UNIX95= ps -o pset,pid,user,cpu,time,comm

So I used the tips to put top command output in a file and then fetch from it:

server1{root}# top -f /tmp/top_output -n 2000

This first blog post is more from Oracle side, in a second part I will try to go a big deeper in OS configuration

NUMA on HPUX Itanium

We can get how server (HPUX 11iv2) is configured using:

server1{root}# mpsched -s
System Configuration
Locality Domain Count: 2
Processor Count      : 4
Domain    Processors
------    ----------
   0        0
   1        7   8   9

We see that our server is split in 2 cells but CPU are not equally balanced between the cells. NUMA also explain why SGA is split in multiple pieces.

The MOS notes list an incredible number of bugs (ORA-04031, high CPU usage, …) related to NUMA architecture. In HP documentation they claim that parallel processes, as well as other background processes, should be split into locality domains but this is not what I see…

Apparently release is quite buggy versus NUMA and Oracle strongly advice to apply, at least, patch 8199533 which, in fact, deactivate Oracle NUMA support !!

It is not recommended to change _enable_NUMA_optimization and _db_block_numa hidden initialization parameters value (_enable_NUMA_support replace _enable_NUMA_optimization in 11gR2):

SQL> SET lines 150 pages 100
SQL> col description FOR a70
SQL> col VALUE FOR a15
  a.ksppinm AS parameter,
  c.ksppstvl AS VALUE,
  a.ksppdesc AS description,
  b.ksppstdf AS "Default?"
FROM x$ksppi a, x$ksppcv b, x$ksppsv c
WHERE a.indx = b.indx
AND a.indx = c.indx
AND LOWER(a.ksppinm) LIKE '%numa%'
ORDER BY a.ksppinm;
PARAMETER                      VALUE           DESCRIPTION                                                            DEFAULT?
------------------------------ --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
_NUMA_instance_mapping         NOT specified   SET OF nodes that this instance should run ON                          TRUE
_NUMA_pool_size                NOT specified   aggregate SIZE IN bytes OF NUMA pool                                   TRUE
_db_block_numa                 2               NUMBER OF NUMA nodes                                                   TRUE
_enable_NUMA_optimization      TRUE            Enable NUMA specific optimizations                                     TRUE
_rm_numa_sched_enable          FALSE           IS RESOURCE Manager (RM) related NUMA scheduled policy enabled         TRUE
_rm_numa_simulation_cpus       0               NUMBER OF cpus per PG FOR numa simulation IN RESOURCE manager          TRUE
_rm_numa_simulation_pgs        0               NUMBER OF PGs FOR numa simulation IN RESOURCE manager                  TRUE
7 ROWS selected.

What is even pushing in NUMA deactivation is 11gR2 default behavior: NUMA is not activated by default !!:

SQL> SET lines 150 pages 100
SQL> col description FOR a70
SQL> col VALUE FOR a15
  a.ksppinm AS parameter,
  c.ksppstvl AS VALUE,
  a.ksppdesc AS description,
  b.ksppstdf AS "Default?"
FROM x$ksppi a, x$ksppcv b, x$ksppsv c
WHERE a.indx = b.indx
AND a.indx = c.indx
AND LOWER(a.ksppinm) LIKE '%numa%'
ORDER BY a.ksppinm;
PARAMETER                      VALUE           DESCRIPTION                                                            DEFAULT?
------------------------------ --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
_NUMA_instance_mapping         NOT specified   SET OF nodes that this instance should run ON                          TRUE
_NUMA_pool_size                NOT specified   aggregate SIZE IN bytes OF NUMA pool                                   TRUE
_db_block_numa                 1               NUMBER OF NUMA nodes                                                   TRUE
_enable_NUMA_optimization      FALSE           Enable NUMA specific optimizations                                     TRUE
_enable_NUMA_support           FALSE           Enable NUMA support AND optimizations                                  TRUE
_numa_trace_level              0               numa trace event                                                       TRUE
_rm_numa_sched_enable          TRUE            IS RESOURCE Manager (RM) related NUMA scheduled policy enabled         TRUE
_rm_numa_simulation_cpus       0               NUMBER OF cpus FOR each pg FOR numa simulation IN RESOURCE manager     TRUE
_rm_numa_simulation_pgs        0               NUMBER OF PGs FOR numa simulation IN RESOURCE manager                  TRUE
9 ROWS selected.

So potential solution for this Itanium box is either to deactivate Oracle NUMA and/or review the hardware configuration of the server and understand why cells have been configured like this…

NUMA on Linux

On my Linux box (2 eight core Xeon X7560 with 64GB of memory):

[root@server1 ~]# numactl --hardware
available: 2 nodes (0-1)
node 0 size: 32289 MB
node 0 free: 741 MB
node 1 size: 32320 MB
node 1 free: 151 MB
node distances:
node   0   1
  0:  10  20
  1:  20  10

Looking at my hardware configuration, one motherboard and 2 sockets and 4 DDR2 memory modules I do not understand how NUMA can be in loop… This is fortunately very well explained in RedHat Performance Tuning guide.

Referring to RH442 (RedHat Tuning Training) and what we have seen on HPUX Itanium it sounds also more logic to deactivate NUMA support on Linux (In BIOS: set node interleaving or when booting set kernel option numa=off) and work with interleaved memory… There is a performance drawback but globally I rate too complex the NUMA tuning to benefit the most from this architecture.


  • Oracle NUMA Usage Recommendation [ID 759565.1]
  • High CPU Usage when NUMA enabled [ID 953733.1]
  • Shared Memory Segment Is Split Up In Different Pieces With NUMA Setting [ID 429872.1]
  • Enable Oracle NUMA support with Oracle Server Version [ID 864633.1]
  • Oracle Background Processes (Including Parallel Processes) Using Only First 8 CPUs (Half) on 16-CPU Server Under NUMA [ID 760705.1]
  • Performance Tuning Guide (Chapter 4. CPU)

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